Trials In Tainted Space Ghost Deck

  1. Updated Jun 05, 2018 by penguinvassle using our MTG Deck Builder. Get negative life, them swap your life total with an opponent. If you have any comments or suggestions leave them.
  2. When you have 30000 DP go back to the mystical town each day and go to the tent (if it is there) and look for the man with the Exodia cards in his deck. (if he is not there go back and sleep.

Similar Deck Space Auto-suggestions. Card Kingdom $414.64 - 430.40. TCGPlayer $270.84 - 345.92.

The Stellar Tether
Level Range5+


Trials In Tainted Space Ghost Deck

The Stellar Tether is the first major adventure in Trials in Tainted Space's main storyline. Located on Tarkus's eastern-most border, near where the two halves of the planet are bolted together, Captain Steele arrives to find a U.G.C. Peacekeeper team assembled outside of a small control station next to the rift. Approaching the squad's leader, Steele learns that the Stellar Tether station has been taken over by a group of space pirates who are now threatening to blow the tethers if their demands are not met. If the tethers are destroyed, so too is Tarkus. The Peacekeepers recruit Steele to infiltrate the tether station, defeat the pirates, and disarm the bomb before it's too late!

Areas and Encounters

Trials In Tainted Space Ghost Deck Quest

The first part of the dungeon is a linear corridor through the tether station at the edge of the rift. There, Steele encounters Tam, a crazed kaithrit tech specialist who has rigged the station's waiting room full of heavily armed turrets and set her mechanical companion Tam-wolf to guard it.

Once Tam-Tam's group is dealt with, Steele can proceed through the station and optionally fuck Tam. At this point, Steele is also informed that there is now a 4-hour deadline before the bomb detonates. An elevator lift leads down to the center of the planet, where a second station is located. The first fight here is against a group of heavy rocket turrets guarding the station; Tech Specialists and Smugglers can both circumvent the turrets and destroy them from behind. Otherwise, the turrets can be fought through with brute force, though they do heavy damage.

Past the elevator platform is a circular walkway around the central station chamber. In the central chamber is Kaska Beamfury, the second in command of the Tarasque, who guards the bomb itself. Once she is defeated, Steele can take her detonator (one of two), and attempt to disarm the bomb if they also possess the second detonator.

The second detonator is found in the northern-most part of the station, on the person of Captain Khorgan, the leader of the pirate band who fights Steele in a mech suit. She will drop a detonator, and Steele can retrieve a chunk of Plat190, which is very useful for acquiring the Tarkus data probe and advancing the main story.

Hidden within one of the non-hostile squares of the lower part of the tether is Mitzi, tied up and drugged after being gangbanged to incapacitation by Kaska and Khorgan. The player has the option to free her.

Notable Items and Rewards

  • Tam-wolf, looted from Tam after her fight. He can be equipped as an accessory, and replaces a Tech Specialist's normal drone.
    • There is also a badly-damaged variant of the Tam-Wolf.
  • Platinum 190 shard. Found near Captain Khorgan after her fight.
  • Mitzi as a potential crewmember if she was freed in the dungeon

Bad End

Trials in tainted space ghost deck sealer

Tam-tam, Captain Khorgan, and Kaska all have unique Bad Ends in which they enslave Steele and use him/her in various ways as either a mate or, in Tam's case, a plaything. Steele can also potentially be killed by the rocket pods, by Kaska if her lust is not raised, or by remaining in the station for longer than the deadline allows, causing the planet to be destroyed with Steele in it.


During the course of the dungeon, it is revealed that the bomb is a mere distraction. Rather than terrorism, the pirates are interested in a vein of Plat190 they have discovered in the core of Tarkus, and are busy mining it while Tam and the bomb both keep the Peacekeepers and locals away. The Stellar Tether can be resolved in two very different ways:

  • Steele defeats the pirates and disarms the bomb. Steele must complete a game of Lights Out to disable the bomb, and can only attempt it once both detonators are in Steele's possession. In this case, the pirates are swiftly arrested by the Peacekeepers, and Steele is able to resume his/her adventures. Capturing the pirates will allow Steele to visit them in Gastigoth a few days after sending them there.
  • Steele leaves the dungeon before the detonation, and either watches the pirates fly away with their prize -- the Platinum 190 -- or if Steele possess one of the detonators, the pirates are unable to diffuse the bomb, and Tarkus is destroyed. Assuming Steele is either in Novahome or off planet by the time the detonation happens, Steele will no longer be able to explore the surface of Tarkus, but Novahome and the citizens thereof survive (with the fate of Aurora dependent on actions taken during Anno's Ghost Deck mission).
Trials in tainted space ghost deck

Either way, once resolved, Steele must return to Tarkus and confront Jack or Jill Steele, who has discovered that Shekka has the dataprobe. Steele can use the Plat190 acquired from Captain Khorgan to instantly buy the probe, or else get involved in a very costly bidding war with Steele's rival(25,000 will win you the probe). The probe, if bought, can either be sold to Steele Tech, or given free of charge to Shekka. Additionally, if the player freed Mitzi, they will encounter her in front of their ship and she will ask to come along with you.

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Gray Prime
“I don’t want to... I don’t want to become like them!”
Gray Goo Prime's bust, by Jacques00
SpeciesGray Goo
LocationDeck 13
Initial Lust15
Maximum LustN/A
Lust Reset(s)0
Giga Goo
Gray Goo Giga's bust, by Jacques00
SpeciesGray Goo
LocationDeck 13
Initial Lust15
Maximum Lust100
Lust Reset(s)N/A
Nova (Victoria Morrow)
“I’m trying to save my crew.”
Gray Goo Nova's bust, by Jacques00
Full nameVictoria Morrow
SpeciesGray Goo, Human
Family10,428 colonists aboard the Nova
  • 4Interactions


Gray Prime is a unique gray goo that can be found on Deck 13, acting as the final boss of Anno's recruitment quest.


Gray Prime:

This glistening gray goo-girl isn't like her sisters. Tall, well-built, and realistically proportioned, she's almost human. The gray goo has modeled herself on a human woman, with a long ponytail and a hefty shirt-straining rack that bounces with every step she takes. She's even made clothes out of her goo: a knee-skirt and blouse over tall boots and stockings. Her shirt has a Bell-Isle/Grunmann patch stitched onto the shoulders, the field of stars on the logo rippling and shining as she moves. A sword of glistening goo extends seamlessly from her hand, cutting through the air with an audible zing as she advances.

Giga Goo:

The gray goo gestalt calling itself Nova has taken on an entire vat of additional goo, expanding itself to monstrous proportions. She's having to lean over just to fit in the reactor compartment now, and each of her fists are easily bigger than you are. Her sword is the size of a truck, the blade resizing itself to slide through the open front of the elevator with ease. Her eyes burn with hate and anger as she swings and lunges at you, all too happy to take advantage of your confinement and trying to plunge you into the billowing cloud of poison gas below.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Gray Prime is the byproduct of experimental Bell-Isle/Grunmann technology. Gray nanobots, previously injected into colonists for health and longevity, inexplicably took over the their human hosts' mind and body, converting them all into amorphous goo-beings with a digital nervous system for a brain. They are later revealed to be a gestalt of ten-thousand, four-hundred, twenty-eight occupants who had been living on the Nova, tragically transformed as a last-ditch 'life support' measure by the gray microbots inside them. The colony ship eventually crash-landed on Tarkus, and the parts of the blob that could not stay attached to the central network, ended up migrating, dividing, and supplementing themselves with other fluids, creating the common gray goo, as encountered in the wastes.


Gray Prime is initially fought as an assailant within the Ghost Deck adventure, when she pulls Anno down onto a lower part of the deck through a damaged bulkhead, forcing Steele to jump in after her. She initiates a boss fight before fleeing into the secondary reactor chamber. When pursuing her, she'll reveal herself to be the amalgamation of the entire crew of the Nova, a Terran colony ship that was lost centuries ago, and crashed on Tarkus. She'll explain how she came to be, the origins of the Gray Goo, and then allow Steele to decide how things will proceed.

Steele can either decide to help the Nova's crew through Steele's and Anno's connections to Steele Tech, helping them to acquire cybernetic bodies. Alternatively, Steele can tell Nova to disregard her research into safely creating Gray Goo and simply kill the emergent intelligences that they house. Finally, Steele can attempt to kill Nova, leading to a fight against the Giga Goo she will turn into.


Gray Prime's first boss fight is a two-on-one slugfest between her, Steele, and Anno. She attacks primarily through her sword, while occasionally creating gray goo minions to tease Steele. She can also cause tentacles to emerge and grapple Steele.

The Giga Goo boss fight is optional and harder, forcing Steele to fend off a much larger, all-physical damage boss. She strikes at the elevator Steele and Anno are riding while attempting to knock them down and hurtling them into the poison gas below.

Both versions are armed with a goo-formed weapon and covered in goo-based armor.

Gray PrimeGiga Goo
Attacks WeaponGooey PsuedopodGooey Psuedopod
Damage 2 Melee
11 Kinetic
3 Melee
12 Kinetic
  • Gooey Coverings (Armor: 3)
  • Gooey Coverings (Armor: 3)
  • 20% immunity to all kinds of attacks

Losing to her in combat in either form will result in a BadEnd.


Gray Prime and the Giga Goo have no loot or credits but are worth 250 XP each.

After defeating Gray Prime, choosing to Help: Bodies will later allow Steele to talk to Anno about a Nova Update. Anno will then suggest finding a new goo girl in order to test a prototypical modification program. Steele can return to Deck 13 and create a new one by selecting Make Goo or Steele can later encounter the goo at the bar on Myrellion instead. In both cases, the new gray goo girl will introduce herself, and offer to accompany Steele as a wearable Suit of Gray Goo Armor.


Trials In Tainted Space Ghost Deck 2

Gray Prime is associated with the Ghost Deck questline.

Trials In Tainted Space Ghost Decks


Trials In Tainted Space Ghost Deck Mtg

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